lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

the laaast one

I classmates, today I am going to talk about my personal opinion about the English, in general. In the beginning, I don’t like much the English, since a subject (how this) or like a type of language. I know the advantage of dominate the language to the perfection, not only for my career, also for my life in general. In the future a want to made travel to USA or London (or any other country, in everywhere speak English, is like the universal language today) so, I start to read books, news, listen music or try to see films in English language.

About this subject, in the beginning I don’t like very much, because I felt that I don’t have a very good use of the language, but, with the days (and weeks) I start to go with a smile to class, because I felt the class start to made results and I felt very happy for that. Maybe I don’t have the best use of the language but I try to make my best work in class.

The blogs, I think, it’s a very good way to working the grammar. Not everyone have a large vocabulary, like me, but with this work, I can, now, make a large chains of ideas in English language, think I was not possible in the pass.

Since in the career, with the English’s papers, or in my normal life, with the movies (not all have a good subtitles, so many times I have to see without sub) , the music (this last time I only listen music from England, only for work my pronunciation because it’s very bad) and all the people who I know have a good use of this language, so, for this, and many other reasons, I want to improve my use and pronunciation of the English language and this subject help me in that. 

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

p s y c h o a n a l y s i s : love & addiction

Hi, classmates. This is not a news specifically, in fact is a article about a girl (maybe, I not sure) who asking to everyone who read this paper how she can help to her mother to quit the cigarette. 

The article starts with the story about this daughter who tells about her mother. She has been diagnosed with lung cancer. She is at an early stage of this diseaseand she has undergone an aggressive course of radiotherapy. The family invited to move with them for a best cares. The thing is: Her, the mother, refusal to quit smoke, inclusive with her diseaseof lung cancer. 

The daughter in this open-card, asking to the people about a solution or ideas for her mother quit these bad habits.  

It is a very common problem to the people. Maybe so common to the people don’t worry about this as they should. This is a classic problem of addiction; in this case of nicotine’s abuse and now, since my favorite area I have many things to say.

Maybe, all the people related the topic of the addictions with the neurobiological problem, but I think that can be studied since the psychoanalysis. How? In the therapy the analyst can help to the patient to rethinking his life and accompany him in a travel introspective help him to know aspect about his life, his hidden and unconscious life and here, the analyst can found the problems or hidden things who initiated this addiction.

A very interesting this is the related that are the addictions and love. Maybe, an addition can be a mode of exit or escape “something” and, probably, this can be the same “thing” that the patient seeks or refuses about the love. 

The idea is in the psychoanalysis therapy is work with the problems of the patients and from there, articulating something new. Maybe knowing the unconscious conflicts, we can work with this and reduce the agony or the anguish of the patient.

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

Fire with Fire

Hi classmates, today I am going to talk about a particular film was I saw this Saturday with my girlfriend. In the beginning I don’t trust in that movie because is a thriller film and I don’t like this genre, because I like the films more calm and quiet.

This film is called Fire with fire. It’s a movie of this year (2012). It is a thriller movie, with a lot of action and nice scenes of violence. The director is David Barrett, known for movies like Matrix Reload or Spiderman. I loved those films.

Generally I don’t like see movies for the actors, so, I don’t know many names of actors, maybe one or two names, but I smile when I saw to Bruce Willis in action. It’s a great actor of movie films and in this movie shows a very reflexive part of him, about a detective who search a dangerous mafia boss with the help of a fireman who is a witness of a crime of this mafia boss.
I enjoy a very much this films, the action scenes and how the story is related by the fireman, who protect a girl that he love.

I am thinking… maybe I liked this film for the sensation produce in me across the story happened and for the end. When the film end I throw all the air that I don’t breathe during I saw the film. I loved that sensation

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012


Hi, classmates. Today I am going to talk about a particular politician for a sector where I live. I am talking about Diego Vergara, the Mayor of the city where I live, Paine. This person, Diego, was reelected like mayor in the lasted municipal elections with a lot of vows.

I don’t vote for Diego Vergara because I don’t like the politics’s color of the man. He is of Renovación Nacional. In particular, I don’t like the municipal politics that he made in the past period, he only work in the remodeling of old place of Paine. Yes, maybe in the beginning that can sound nice, but not. He forgets the Urgency of Paine. The actual conditions of the ambulance are CRITICAL. Just have one ambulance for all Paine, and this is a very big city, with a lot rural places. Also, during his administration, one big municipal school was closed and he doesn’t anything to prevent this. All the things he made were popular things, only superficial works and nothing particular with the real necessity of the people of Paine.

My vote was NULO, because I don’t believe in anyone politician, less in Diego Vergara and I think that is a very valid mode of say something. Something about the actual political system and something about the politician that only want power. A dirty political system where forget the real necessitys of the peoples of Chile.

I like the 60% of abstention. That says more like anyone survey about the “people’s believes” about the actual political system.