lunes, 8 de octubre de 2012

Line 6

Hello classmates, today I m going to talk about a particular present. Personal, I don’t like the presents. I think sometime I don’t deserve big presents or expensive present from my parent’s or family, but this particularity it signified so much for me, in especially in that moment of my life. I am talking about my guitar amp.

Maybe, this not is the best guitar amp of the world, but, in comparison with my old guitar amp, an old model of a strange mark of guitar, this guitar amp means a big jump in the quality of the sound. Was a Line 6 spider III, a very beautiful model of guitar amp, with him, I can module the sound of my guitar like guitar’s effect like chorus’s effect, or tremolo’s effects. Also, the amp has a very nice reverb sound.

 In the beginning, with my old guitar amp, I could not play with my band in a normal rehearsal room, only I had play in a littlest room of an old house. But later, with this Line 6, I could play in many stages and upgrade the sound quality of my band.

 The gift was from my father. I remember was a early Sunday in August of 2009. I felt very unhappy with the sound of my guitar. So my father comes to me and he tells me about a travel to Stgo. I accepted, because this means a free lunch in McDonald’s restaurant. So, in the travel he asked me about this old guitar amp and I told him how I felt. Short story: Arrived to Audiomusica and he asked to try some model of a guitar amp. I try with this model of line 6 and fall in love.

 Come back to home and I played all the afternoon. I felt very happy

3 comentarios:

  1. The guitar amp is very important if you wish make sometime important whit the guitar. Good for you and for your band, pato.

  2. I don't know much about amps, but I trust in your knowledge, so, maybe one day I'll tray that amp.

  3. A line 6!!!! wow i didn't know that you have one. That was a very good present!
